Slovenia is a small country with a small population. Only 2 millions people. This is less than population of Los Angeles or Chicago. Despite this, Slovenian girls are very popular in the dating market. Many men from America and Western Europe want to marry a Slovenian. One striking example is Donald Trump. The billionaire could choose any girl and marry her, but he married Melanija. Her birth name is Melanija Knavs. She was born and raised in Slovenia, and then moved to the United States.

So why does everyone love Slovenian girls? Is it really good to live with them? Let’s get it right.

Why Slovenian Women Are So Popular Among Foreign Men

Slovenia was in the top among the countries where American men most of all want to pick up a bride. That sounds amazing. How did such a small country earn such a good reputation? Well, there are some reasons.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy food culture is very developed in that country. Slovenia girls carefully monitor their health. This allows them to stay healthy and fit. A lot of girls also go in for sports: (athletics, dancing, swimming and so on), therefore they have a sports physique. These are the reasons girls often look younger than their age. For example, Melanija is 50 years old, but still sexy.

Good genetics

Hot Slovenian women are simply genetically beautiful. It’s fact. Much prettier than in Western Europe. Of course, this is a subjective statement, based only on the opinions of individuals. Why genetics matter? Good genes are very important for those men who want to have beautiful children.

Personal independence

Many men do not want to have a weak woman and play the role of a strong partner. The traditional patriarchal role is not comfortable for everyone. Many men in America want to find an independent girl who is used to having her social circle, work and hobbies. This quality distinguishes these girls from Russian wives, but we will come back to comparing later.


Sincerity, honesty and kindness are some of the qualities of girls in Central Europe. It’s easy to communicate with them. Slovenes are also more open to foreigners than girls from other European countries.

How Slovenian Girls Look Like

Watch some photos of sexy girls. As you can see, they look like Europeans, but sometimes have a shade of dark skin. Do you like it?

sexy slovenian girl pic 2slovenian girl pic 3

sexy sloveninan girl



Where to Find Slovenian Wife

There are several ways. Let’s look at each of them.

The first way:

Travel to Slovenia and get to know a girl in real life. This country is not so popular for tourists. Most foreigners come from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Tourists from America and Western Europe are rare there, so girls love them. You have good chances to make a good impression on a girl and take her with you.

Pros: You can spend some time with many girls in real life and make a more reasonable choice.
Cons: The trip will take from several weeks to several months. This can be a problem if you have a full-time job.

The second way:

Use dating apps such as Tinder and set the geolocation on the desired country.

Pros: There are more registered users in such applications, so you can see more girls.
Cons: Most of the girls there want to date with local guys from their city. A very small percentage of those who are actually ready to move.

Third way:

Use special sites to search for brides abroad.

Pros: All the girls are ready to move to another country. That is why they are here.
Cons: Not many registered users.

Most men prefer the third way, because this is the easiest way. You both know what do you want and just start chatting.

Pros and Cons Of Dating Slovenian Woman

There is one feature. It is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. These are differences in mentality. Many men believe that it will be easier for them to meet a girl from Central or Eastern Europe. At the same time, many of them get disappointed. You must get used to a different culture and other values. You should also be prepared for the fact that for the first six months or a year it will be difficult for you to understand each other because of the language barrier. Slovenia is not in the top countries with a good level of English. Learning Slovenian going to be very hard as well. This language is not popular among foreigners, so there is a problem to find good teacher or learning website.

Do And Don’t Of Dating Slovenian Women

In fact, this is not so hard to attract a girl. You can easily find a common language. Let’s not talk for a long about “do”: just say compliments, joke, be easy-going and keep up the pleasant conversation.

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These girls are mostly energetic and purposeful people, so looking for a foreigner for them is like a challenge. They are ready to spend a lot of time searching for a man and chatting with him. To make a good impression, it is enough to be persistent and sincere. Speak frankly about your feelings, but don’t be rude. Take the initiative. Do not expect the girl to write you first. Even if she does not do this, this does not mean that she is not interested in communication. It’s important for them to be sure that you really like her. That is why sometimes girls keep take distance for some time to test you.

Slovens like flowers so much. Present some flowers to girl to impress her.

If you want to marry a beautiful Slovenian girl, let her know about your plans. They don’t want to waste time. At the same time, say that first you just want to chat and get to know each other better.

Now let’s talk about “don’t” to avoid awkward moments.

Do not argue. In Slovenian culture, this is not accepted. If you disagree with something, just keep silent and change the subject.

Do not talk about the Soviet past of Slovenia. Historically, the country has been part of the Eastern Bloc and a supporter of the USSR for a long time, but it is better not to mention this. The younger generation is accustomed to associate themselves with European Union, not with Russia.

Don’t hug and kiss on public. Many Slovenian girls don’t like this.

Nothing complicated. Just consider a girl as a person with a unique character, emotions and life experience. In every country there are girls of any temperament, so there is no communication template for a particular nationality.

Cultural Differences

  1. Slovenes are used to speaking more directly. Sometimes they may seem rude due to their overt frankness. This feature of the Slavic peoples scares some Americans.
  2. Women in this country are not used to being paid for them. Some don’t like this tradition, but many girls do. So if you want to pay for a woman in restaurant, ask her about that.
  3. Slovenes do not accept refusals and prohibitions. The girl may be too daring and stubborn.
  4. Slovenes mostly don’t support left-liberal ideas. You can hear homophobic and racist phrases from a girl.
  5. Many people there are early birds. They used to wake up at 7 AM at go to bed at 10 or 11 PM. They say dobro utro (good morning) up to 9 AM, and then say dober den (good afternoon).
  6. Part of the Slovenia population lives in the mountains. There is a stereotype that people from mountainous regions are more calm.


Answers for most popular questions about Slovenian brides.

Why Slovenian brides want to marry men from abroad?

So there are two main reasons. The first reason is a dream to move to USA. Many women just love America and Americans. The second reason is the lack of good men in Slovenia: girls find foreigners more attractive, courageous and sexy.

How to find a reliable Slovenian on web dating site?

Choose one or several sites in the table above, register and start searching for a girl among the active profiles. Read profiles carefully  — there girls indicate the purpose of dating — if you have the same goal, just start chatting. If everything goes right, arrange a face-to-face meeting after 2-6 months.

What’s the difference between Russian and Slovenian women?

In Russia, there are much more beautiful brides who want to meet a man from abroad. There are not many girls in Slovenia, but it’s easier to find a common language with them: their English is not so bad, and cultural differences are not so noticeable.

What do Slovenian women look for in men?

They want the find an adult independent man willing to pick them up and live together (appearance is not really important to them in this case). Many of them really like foreigners, especially Americans, so you have good chances to make girl of your dream love you.