Poland is a country in Eastern Europe, one of the 10 largest countries in Europe. More than 18 million girls live in this country, and many of them dream of an American man. One of the strongest advantages of Poland over countries such as Russia and Ukraine is the visa-free international laws. Polish women are allowed to enter the United States freely. Of course, mobility isn’t the most important factor. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of having relationships with a Polish bride.

Why are Polish Women being so Popular Among Foreign Men?

In the ratings of countries with the most beautiful girls, Poland traditionally falls into the top 20 or sometimes in the top 10. There are many beautiful girls. Is it the most important thing? Surely not. When you are looking for a wife, it is important to pay attention not only to appearance, but also not to personality. Each country has its own national characteristics and mentality. So, what are Polish girls famous for?

Ambition and Hard Work

Girls in Poland do not expect help from parents and men. They are used to achieving their goals themselves. They often combine work, school and housework. These are good qualities if you are looking for an independent girl. In this case, she will become your equal partner.


Poland has an affordable higher education. That is why many girls get a university degree. Some of them go to other countries of European Union to get education there. Men are interested in having something to talk about with a girl. You definitely won’t get bored with an educated girl.

Family Values

Like many Eastern European countries, Poland takes family values ​​very seriously. Despite the dedication and desire to achieve a lot in life, a strong family remains the most important value for girls in this country. Girls have a strong maternal instinct, are successful in raising children and express a huge amount of care.

Restraint and Gentle Nature

Polish women are extremely non-conflicting. They are willing to make concessions and seek compromises. Hot temper and stubbornness are not about them. This means that your marriage will be calm and peaceful without private disputes.

Beautiful Polish Girls Look After Their Appearance

Polish girls pay a lot of attention to their appearance: they take care of the style of their clothes, use cosmetics, and so on. This allows them to look their best and feel confident. For many girls, putting on makeup and dressing stylishly is a daily routine. They use cosmetics even to go to the store. Many Polish girls, especially at an older age, also play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle in order to look younger than they are.

How do Polish Women Look Like?

The appearance of Polish girls is something in between Germany and Ukraine. They have a wide mouth, brown or light brown hair, and expressive eyes. One of the features of Polish women is their erect posture. Average height is about 164-170 centimeters.

They often use cosmetics, but prefer subtle makeup. Girls often use lip gloss instead of lipstick and hardly ever use foundation.

Self-confidence makes them even more beautiful. According to statistics, 81% of Polish girls think they are “quite pretty”.

An elegant look is often complemented by accessories such as a hat, scarf, or an elegant bag.

There are several examples of Polish-born Hollywood actresses: Maria Bello, Carroll Baker, Christine Baranski and Kristen Bell.

Here are some more pictures of hot Polish girls.





Where to Find a Polish Wife

Poland is a country with a large population and a huge diaspora. Many Poles live in Germany, Great Britain and the United States. Therefore, you can meet a girl even in your city, especially if you live in cities with a large number of immigrants, such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and so on.


  • No need to go anywhere.
  • No need to spend a lot of time on correspondence, waiting for a real meeting.


  • Girls who live abroad for a long time get used to American lifestyle and outlook. They are already half American, so it doesn’t make sense.
  • This requires your charisma and communication skills.

Another option is to go to Poland and spend some time there.


  • Easy to meet almost any girl.


  • It takes time and money.
  • Very stressful.
  • The girl is unlikely to agree to go to live abroad.

And the third option is the most popular among American men. This is online dating or Polish mail order brides. The girls who register on such sites are already ready to move in the future and are looking for a husband.


  • Easy to meet you.
  • Free or almost free.
  • You both know what you want.


  • Great competition among men.
  • Scam and fakes are taking place.

Finding a Polish wife online may not be easy, but be patient and you will succeed. Now let’s talk about whether it is worth it or not.

Pros and Cons of Dating Polish Woman


The obvious benefits are beauty and the desire to be a good wife and mother. A possible flaw is a conservative view of many things. Many people in Poland are against LGBTs, refugees and many other things like that.

Some of the qualities of Polish brides are advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Depends on what you are looking for. As it was written above, girls from Poland are independent, hardworking, educated and ready for self-improvement. This may be a problem for you if you are looking for quite unremarkable girl, but it is an advantage if you are looking for an interesting person and partner.

One common disadvantage of having a relationship with a European girl is the different time zones and long distance. It is difficult to build relationships when you do not have the opportunity to see the girl live and hug her, and the hours of communication are limited. It takes the patience of two people. On the other hand, such marriages are quite strong. If you overcome the distance and the language barrier, then your marriage is likely to be successful.

Do and Don’ts of Dating Polish Woman

American and Polish traditions are not the same. You have a different worldview, so there is something you need to know to make a girl fall in love with you.

Do compliments. Polish girls take a long time to look their best. Mark the efforts of the bride. The best compliment is “You look beautiful even without makeup.”
Do follow rules of etiquette. Let her go first if you go to a store or restaurant. Pay for it in the cafe. Do everything in your power to be polite.
Do presents. Women love flowers and sweets, and most of all they like your attention. Slavic women value present so much.

Don’t talk about politics. Most likely, you will have different political views. Just avoid this topic to avoid conflicts.
Don’t hurry while dating Polish woman. Studies show that Polish girls are quite chaste, so they need more time to prepare for the next step.
Don’t ask personal questions if you don’t have strong relationships yet.

Cultural differences


  1. Poland combines Slavic traditions and the Catholic faith. The people have the features of both Western and Eastern mentality.
  2. In Poland, men are more sensitive to women. Often men give way to girls in public transport, no matter what age they are.
  3. When meeting people often kiss each other on the cheek. If unfamiliar man and woman meet, then the man should kiss her hand, not a check. This is a rule of etiquette, but it is optional.
  4. Poles value family values ​​much more than residents of Western countries.
  5. There is such a word in Polish language as sympatyczny (simpatichny). It means the inner beauty of man, his manner of behavior. People in Poland pay much attention if a man sympatyczny or not.
  6. People in Russia celebrate New Year more than Christmas. People in America celebrate Christmas more. The Poles love both holidays and celebrate them equally. Probably they just love to have fun.
  7. A large percentage of the population lives in large large cities such as Warsaw or Krakow, so people are used to the urban lifestyle. In the same time not all people do actually like it.


Why do Polish brides want to marry husband from abroad?

Many people in Poland love foreigners from Western countries, including Americans. Compared to Polish men, Americans are taller and prettier. Also, many girls want to move to United States looking for a better life.

How to find a reliable dating site?

Check our table and select a few sites. It is better to register on several sites at once in order to save time and cover more girls.

What’s the difference between Russian and Polish women?

Russia is an Orthodox country, and Poland is a Catholic one. Unlike Russians, many people in Poland, including young people, are very religious (just like Americans).

Which gift will be perfect for Polish girl?

The art of gift is not the rocket science. Just prepare an interesting personalized gift, for example, if she likes to draw, give drawing set. Attention comes first.

How much does it cost to meet Polish woman online?

Most of the sites are partially free. If you want to use a premium account with advanced features, it will cost from $25 to $100 per month. This is not cheap, but still cheaper than go dating offline.

What do Polish women look for in men?

Polish wives value responsibility, honesty and a desire to create a strong family.

In conclusion, Polish girls have their own characteristics. That being said, each girl is still unique and you can find the girl of your dreams in any country. Love has no limits. Good luck!