The Czech Republic is a small European country which is famous primarily for its beer, medieval castles, and rich historical heritage. This state is situated in the heart of Europe, sharing borders with Poland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia. Besides being a well-known tourist destination, Czech Republic is proud to be called the land of beautiful women. Czech girls inherited an astonishing beauty from their Slavic ancestors and, at the same time, they have a mindset more common to the so-called Latin world. Wanna know more about the women from the Czech Republic and the ways to make them fall in love with you? Then keep on reading this article.

Why are Czech Women so Popular Among Foreign Men?

czech girlIndeed, why foreigners come to the Czech Republic to look for girlfriends and wives? There are several reasons.

  • Impeccable appearance. Looks are not everything but still, they determine our first impression. Moreover, if a woman knows how to take care of herself, she will definitely be a good mother and a caring wife. Generally, Czech women have a stunning appearance and a unique natural beauty;
  • Independence. Women from the Czech Republic do not want to depend on their boyfriends/husbands. They will not use you as a ticket to leave the country: Czechia is a well-developed state that lists among the richest in Europe. If you are dating a Czech girl, build up your relationship on the basis of equality and respect;
  • Sociability. Czech ladies are open-minded and are not scared to talk to foreigners, even if they have some problems with the language. The Czech people are used to foreigners – millions of them visit their country every year. It won’t be difficult to get in touch with a local girl and invite her to go out with you. No barriers in communication – it’s a huge advantage.

Where to Find a Czech Wife?

beautiful czech girl Thanks to the astonishing development of digital technologies, finding our mate souls became much easier. Such things as nationality, skin color, country of living, native language are not important when it comes to love. The world is yours in your search for an ideal bride.

Of course, you need to go to the Czech Republic to meet your future Czech bride. However, you can start dating Czech women without leaving your neighborhood. Online dating agencies mentioned above have been created for this particular purpose: to let you make a preliminary selection of profiles. The advantages are clear:

    1. Messaging and calls help to understand whether a person is really interesting for you. You do not need to waste your time and money on someone who does not match at all your expectations;
    2. You are in a strong position: you start conversations, compare and choose the best options, you decide when it is the time to pass to the next level;
    3. Targeted audience. An online dating agency provides you with a list of Czech mail order brides who are looking for a serious relationship with the men of your age/location/interests. With this approach, you have a lot more chances to find your soulmate quickly and efficiently.

So, ideally, you need to choose a reliable dating site from the list provided above, filter the profiles according to your preferences and then start communication with the most interesting Czech Republic women. Communication is the key to success!

Pros and Cons of Dating Czech Women

Let’s talk about the major advantages and disadvantages (if there are any) of dating hot Czech women. So, among the advantages it is important to mention:

  • Czech girl prefers to be natural: you won’t see her wearing tons of makeup on her face. She is not afraid of demonstrating her flaws and that makes her brave and self-confident;
  • Czech mature women look gorgeous. It’s just genetics: Czech women in their thirties and even forties do not lose their beauty and attractiveness. So, if you are looking for a Czech wife from this age range – you will be agreeably surprised;
  • Women in the Czech Republic are easy-going, open-minded, relaxed and proactive. You will not feel uncomfortable or uneasy with them. Your date would share without fear her feelings, plans, expectations. She will not expect you to always take the lead in a conversation or elsewhere – both of you will commit to the relationship;
  • She has great cooking skills. Women in the Czech Republic learn how to cook from childhood. The Czech cuisine is famous for its original, mostly meat-based dishes. If you want to eat at home as if you were in a restaurant – then a Czech bride is all you need.

Are there any cons of dating women from the Czech Republic? The major one is the language barrier. It is true that not all women in this country speak English so it might be slightly difficult to understand each other completely. However, you can use numerous programs like Google translation, online dictionaries, etc. You will have a lot of fun in the process, be sure. Moreover, you will have a perfect chance to learn the Czech – it is a melodic and sexy language!

Do’s and Don’ts of Dating Czech Girls

sexy czech girlYou asked a Czech girl out – naturally, you are wondering how to behave with her and what problems you might encounter. Here are some things you should and should not do while dating Czech mail order wives:

  • Peck her on the cheek when you see her for the first time. In the Czech Republic, it is a quite normal greeting – do not be afraid that she will take it badly;
  • Always be well-dressed. The Czechs are very stylish, both men and women. You would disappoint your lady if you choose to put casual jeans and T-shirt for the date. Your clothes should be more sophisticated than that;
  • Do not give expensive gifts. You can surprise her with something small but original and interesting. If you want to do it in a traditional way – just buy flowers;
  • Do not try to satisfy all her wishes. Czech girls are looking for a real man, not a babysitter. Be nice, but remember – your needs and wishes are in the first place and will remain on this position up until you marry her;
  • Pay the bills. It is not about money – it is about respecting the time she spends with you. If you cannot afford it – just choose mid-range restaurants, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Cultural Differences

As it has been already stated, the Czech women combine European and Slavic mentality. Besides, the country itself is developed, rich and attracts millions of foreign tourists every year. So, you are unlikely to have a culture shock while dating a Czech girl. Does it mean that there are no cultural differences between you two? No, these differences exist and let’s talk about it in the next paragraph.
First of all, Czech brides are very polite, as the Europeans in general. They try to avoid at all costs a confrontation with another person but they know how to defend themselves when they feel offended. Secondly, women in the Czech Republic always dress well. It doesn’t matter where you are going – in a restaurant, on a walk or in a supermarket, your bride will look just brilliant. Finally, Czech girls might be cold to you at the beginning of your interactions. It does not mean that she doesn’t like you – it’s just a cultural thing. People in the Czech Republic treat strangers with caution and change drastically their attitude when they feel they can trust you.


Why do Czech women become mail order wives?

There might be several reasons. Some women have had a bad dating experience in their country so they want to find a husband abroad. Others have a preference for a particular nationality. Finally, they just do not want to be limited to their fellow citizens.

How to find a reliable Czech web dating site?

You need to read some reviews, check the information available on the internet, maybe ask your friends. The list provided in this article includes only reliable dating sites.

What’s the difference between Russian and Czech women?

The major difference is that many Russian women are looking for a husband abroad just to leave their home country and start a new life. Czech women are more independent and leaving the country isn’t their priority.

How to impress beautiful Czech girl?

You need to dress well, be relaxed and self-confident. Also, give her romantic but not expensive gifts.

Why Czech girls are the best wives?

A Czech wife cares about her husband and her children. She likes to cook, especially for the family. Finally, she looks great and has a strong character.

What do Czech women look for in a man?

They are looking for someone who is not afraid of taking responsibility, someone reliable and caring, with clear plans and good prospects.